Steampunk Airship WIP2

I think this is nearly complete. I'd like to add some secondary action spots somewhere. Maybe some floating mines, spotlights or something to help add a little more impact to the overall composition. But the ship itself is largely complete. The contest allows for 2 different rendered views so I'll start thinking about how else to best showcase this. Maybe an interior shot?


Nathan Strum said...

Very, very cool. Lots of nice details in there. I particularly like the big, dangling power lines and the louvered spotlights.

Dave said...

Thanks. Some of the detail evolved after seeing the WIP entries from others. It became obvious to me after a couple weeks that the challenge was more of a modeling competition and less of an illustration challenge. Some of the other models were insanely detailed to the point where you'd never see any of the detail in the 2 renders you were allowed to enter. My model didn't require insane amounts of detail to tell the story so I started modeling interior elements to compensate. You can't really make any of those details out except perhaps for a few of the gauges visible in the window.

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